Sunday, April 24, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 8:01 AM
Ok, so I might be biased, but I really do think that I have one of THE cutest kids in exsistance.

Squirt's t-ball team won a pre-season tournament out in Jones last month, completely undefeated. In fact, they didn't have their first loss until just this past Tuesday. After they won the tournament, their coach entered them in a contest at one of the local news stations (news9) called "Little Blitzers". The weekly winner would have one of their games covered, just like college and the pros, with highlights and commentary. The footage would play on the news, and the team would win a party for 40 people to Braums (a burger and icecream joint).

Guess whose team won the very first week??? GO SOONERS!!!

Here is the link to the footage from last nights 10 o'clock news. You better watch, because it's too cute.

And this is the second time that he's been on the news. About a month ago, the same channel sent their morning weather guy to throw a pizza party for Little Man's Kindergarten class!

The camera loves him, don't you think?