The Magic School Bus

Sunday, September 4, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 1:05 PM
Ah yes, The Magic School Bus.

A rather entertaining (and surprisingly educational) cartoon. If you're 6.

Squirt and his cousin K insist on watching The Magic School Bus every morning before going to school.

They also insist on getting one of the many Magic School Bus books from the school library each week as well.

Hubby and I read to Squirt before bed each night, and to see him pull a Magic School Bus book out of his backpack is sure to incite groans, eye rolling, and at times out right refusal to touch the thing. You see, as educational as these books are, they are also insufferably LONG! Definitely NOT a bedtime book.  It got to the point last year that I told the little man that he was not to bring another one home from the library for the rest of the year. Imagine my amusement when volunteering in his class, only to hear another mother bemoaning her own kids (twins!) each bringing them home every week. I was so glad to know I wasn't alone in my dread of seeing them.

The second week of school has just ended. Squirt's class had their first weekly trip to the school library on Thursday. Guess what he pulled out of his backpack that night...

I could have sworn that we had already read all of these that were in print. If I have to see another Magic School Bus book come home, I think I may have to take my own life with a #2 pencil.