Jumping In

Saturday, November 20, 2010 - Posted by -Kel at 11:05 AM
Yup, I did it. I have joined the masses and am now "blogging". Why? I'm not really sure. I have no good reason other than kinda wanting a place to put my thoughts. Yes, I know I could buy a journal and write in it and it would be much more private. But honestly I think I like the idea that someone may see my posts and identify with them, or even have advice to offer on certain things. And my hand cramps when I write, so that is another excuse I'll use. Or maybe deep down I'm some weird version of an exhibitionist, who knows. So this is my attempt at starting a blog. Hopefully I will keep up with it on a somewhat regular basis. DH will tell you that I don't stick with a project all the way through, so this may be an exercise in futility. I guess we'll see...