I work in a pretty cool office, with some fun people. Two in particular make my day go by better and I consider them my friends.
C is a transplant from another institution. She is funny and smart and just a cool person. T was an officer for 13 1/2 years. No subject is off limits and nothing is taboo. We all tease each other, have fun, laugh and sometimes C and I gang up on T.
Today I was sitting on the spare desk in T's office just visiting, when C walks in, goes past me and around to stand behind T. She had decided to hijack his email. She grabbed him and started trying to pull him away from the computer and yelled "Quick! Open his email!"
I jumped up and leaned over the top of T's desk trying to get to the mouse while he tried wrestling away from C to stop me. Now, something you should know about T is that he's about 6' 3" tall. He is TALL. So while I am trying to get into his email, he is stretching out reaching for the power button to shut the whole thing down. And he was having better luck than I was.
Suddenly I hear from C, "Damn! He's so long!"
We all lost it. C starts cracking up and lets go of T. He starts cracking up and when C lets go of him, he shifts sideways. I start laughing and apparently had been leaning on T just a little too much, because when he moved, I rolled off the desk and landed on the floor. This of course sends us over the edge. Side splitting, dying, crying, can not breathe laughing.
And this is the story of why my ass hurts.