The Magic School Bus

Sunday, September 4, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 1:05 PM
Ah yes, The Magic School Bus.

A rather entertaining (and surprisingly educational) cartoon. If you're 6.

Squirt and his cousin K insist on watching The Magic School Bus every morning before going to school.

They also insist on getting one of the many Magic School Bus books from the school library each week as well.

Hubby and I read to Squirt before bed each night, and to see him pull a Magic School Bus book out of his backpack is sure to incite groans, eye rolling, and at times out right refusal to touch the thing. You see, as educational as these books are, they are also insufferably LONG! Definitely NOT a bedtime book.  It got to the point last year that I told the little man that he was not to bring another one home from the library for the rest of the year. Imagine my amusement when volunteering in his class, only to hear another mother bemoaning her own kids (twins!) each bringing them home every week. I was so glad to know I wasn't alone in my dread of seeing them.

The second week of school has just ended. Squirt's class had their first weekly trip to the school library on Thursday. Guess what he pulled out of his backpack that night...

I could have sworn that we had already read all of these that were in print. If I have to see another Magic School Bus book come home, I think I may have to take my own life with a #2 pencil.


Friday, September 2, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 3:54 PM
Hubby and I bought a small watermelon for the little man a couple of weeks ago. Saturday morning we finally got around to cutting it open.

Squirt is really the only one of us that particularly cares for watermelon, but even I have to admit, this one was GOOD!

Really, REALLY good!

Apparently the level of yummy is determined by the amount of juice you are covered in by the time you finish it.

Doesn't that look good to you?

Niki and Quinn

Friday, August 12, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 12:49 PM
I learned so much on my latest photo session.

Like the fact that the sun (even 9 o'clock, which most people think of as early) is not your friend when it comes to photography. Oh, the hot spots and shadows!

And 9 o'clock in the morning during the summer in Oklahoma is like visiting the mouth of Hell itself. I was sweating in places I didn't know were capable of sweating.

And finally I re-learned (is that a word?) that most 18 month old toddlers do not like strangers. See, the reason I had forgotten this fact is that my own son was never this way. To him, a stranger was just a new friend in the making.

So as we started, this adorable little blond boy wanted nothing to do with me. Every time I tried to get in for a shot he would start kicking and screaming in his little buggy, wanting Mommy to take him away. = (

I had to figure out a way to make friends. Apparently my giant blue bottle of water was WAY cooler than any old sippy cup that Mommy could provide. So I shared my water with him, and then convinced him to chase me down the sidewalk, running ahead and turning quickly to get the picture snapped.

It worked! And by the time we were finished, I actually got a wave, a "bye!" and a high five.  = )

So here are a few of my favorite shots. Isn't his Mommy gorgeous? She loves anything and everything that is 40's and 50's style vintage. I honestly believe she was a 1950's house wife in a former life.

I can't wait to see them again and get the whole family.

Newborn Photography

Saturday, July 16, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 10:40 AM
OK, yes. I know. I am a bad, bad blogger. And I have lots to update on, but you will have to suffer through this little tooting of my own horn first.

3 weeks ago my coworker had a baby boy. And 2 weeks ago, I got to go over to her house and practice my photography on him. He was just awesome. Not only was he adorable, but he was perfect for what we were doing to him. He slept on while we flipped him and flopped him and turned him this way and that. We even got to undress him for the token "nekkid" baby pictures.

It took me 2 weeks to process the best pictures, and I have to say, I am so proud of how they turned out.
I don't have any type of backdrop setup, so we used her couch, a couple of sofa pillows and two of his baby blankets. I know that you aren't supposed to be boastful and all, but really I feel these pictures are great! What do you think? I'd love to get some feedback. Good, bad, what I could/should have done differently. Feel free to let me know. I can't improve if I don't know what needs improving in others eyes.

 Practicing my "vintage" processing in this one.

I just love his squishy little face in this one.

I need to find a reason to shoot more often! 

A Child's Wisdom

Friday, May 6, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 6:31 AM
We were all sitting in the living room a couple of nights ago watching TV. Actually, Hubby and I were talking and Squirt was watching the TV when I heard him pipe up with "Mommy, you need that". I looked up at the TV to see a commercial for ROC anti-aging cream.

Hubby tried to stiffle his laughter while asking "Why does Mommy need that?"
"Well it's for wrinkles." said my very smart child.

I sat in the recliner trying to look as wounded as I felt. "You think Mommy has wrinkles?"

Then this child looked at me with his most serious face and said, "Don't you remember, Mommy? When we go swimming in Nana's pool your fingers and toes get all wrinkly."

You just can't argue with a child's logic.

My Ass Hurts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 6:11 PM
I work in a pretty cool office, with some fun people. Two in particular make my day go by better and I consider them my friends.

C is a transplant from another institution. She is funny and smart and just a cool person. T was an officer for 13 1/2 years. No subject is off limits and nothing is taboo. We all tease each other, have fun, laugh and sometimes C and I gang up on T.

Today I was sitting on the spare desk in T's office just visiting, when C walks in, goes past me and around to stand behind T. She had decided to hijack his email. She grabbed him and started trying to pull him away from the computer and yelled "Quick! Open his email!"

I jumped up and leaned over the top of T's desk trying to get to the mouse while he tried wrestling away from C to stop me. Now, something you should know about T is that he's about 6' 3" tall. He is TALL. So while I am trying to get into his email, he is stretching out reaching for the power button to shut the whole thing down. And he was having better luck than I was.

Suddenly I hear from C, "Damn! He's so long!"

We all lost it. C starts cracking up and lets go of T. He starts cracking up and when C lets go of him, he shifts sideways. I start laughing and apparently had been leaning on T just a little too much, because when he moved, I rolled off the desk and landed on the floor. This of course sends us over the edge. Side splitting, dying, crying, can not breathe laughing.

And this is the story of why my ass hurts.


Sunday, April 24, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 8:01 AM
Ok, so I might be biased, but I really do think that I have one of THE cutest kids in exsistance.

Squirt's t-ball team won a pre-season tournament out in Jones last month, completely undefeated. In fact, they didn't have their first loss until just this past Tuesday. After they won the tournament, their coach entered them in a contest at one of the local news stations (news9) called "Little Blitzers". The weekly winner would have one of their games covered, just like college and the pros, with highlights and commentary. The footage would play on the news, and the team would win a party for 40 people to Braums (a burger and icecream joint).

Guess whose team won the very first week??? GO SOONERS!!!

Here is the link to the footage from last nights 10 o'clock news. You better watch, because it's too cute.

And this is the second time that he's been on the news. About a month ago, the same channel sent their morning weather guy to throw a pizza party for Little Man's Kindergarten class!

The camera loves him, don't you think?

Boy in a Box

Friday, April 22, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 6:21 PM
This one is from the end of January. I just now got around to editing a bunch of pictures on the computer.

This is an example of the kind of thing I wake up to when I am (rarely) the last one to get out of bed.

He looks cozy, doesn't he?

I really think the fake hard hat completes the ensemble.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 10:33 AM
I shot up out of bed at 8:30 this morning to hear Squirt bawling. Apparently Daddy and I slept in too late and the poor kid was "starving to deaf". Those are his words, not mine. Maybe that's why he has problems with doing what he's told, because he's always "starving to deaf".

So we all got up and I gave him a little dry cereal to tide him over while he helped me make blueberry muffins, or as the little man calls them, muffmans.

And because he's always such a willing little helper, I decided to let him have first pick when they were done.

This is him informing me that since the hole from the toothpick is in this muffin, then it must be the biggest and that's the one he wants.

Isn't he just too cute? He's gonna be the "deaf" of me one of these days.

I'm linking up again with Rebecca over at simple as that. Enjoy your Sunday!


Friday, April 15, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 4:15 PM
I am completely sick to my stomach. What am I going to do with this kid???

I just got a note from the teacher (again) about his behavior. I thought he had been doing so well! He was telling me that school was great and even said he got rewarded by the substitute on Tuesday.

Now I'm being told that he's been "struggling with good choices this week" and that he was hitting. And not just because the other kid hit him, he also hit someone that hadn't even touched him.

Now she is saying that this is his warning and that next time he won't get to go to the zoo with the rest of the class next week. Why is my good kid turning back in to this crazy, impulsive brat?

Hubby told him last night that if he could behave the rest of the week (just one more day!), then he would go get him pancakes from Braums for breakfast on Saturday. Guess who won't be getting pancakes tomorrow.

I know that the late nights with t-ball probably have a little to do with it, but I don't want to use that as an excuse. He knows how he is supposed to behave!

And while I'm definitely upset/mad/angry/whatever, I also feel bad for him. He was bawling and I didn't raise my voice at all. I did send him to bed though. He looked so tired and was crying, so I told him to go take a nap.

I'm just hoping that this is not a sign of what the rest of his school career is going to be like.  = (


Wednesday, April 6, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 4:13 PM
We have a problem.

Not a single post for the month of March.

I know it's my own fault. I haven't taken the time to sit down and write anything.

For some reason, I have convinced myself that no one wants to read about all of the mundane goings on in my life.

Like the fact that Hubby decided to sell the tractor, and I am the one that actually found him a buyer. I told him that I should get a handling fee for that. I was paid with new scrapbook materials! = )

Or the fact that Squirt decided to play t-ball instead of soccer this season, and I don't think I've ever seen anything so funny in all of my life. 3, 4, and 5 year olds trying to play baseball??? Hilarious.

Or how about how funny I must be when I go watch him play ball? Jumping up and down and screaming and yelling my fool head off. I think I must scare the other parents.

And the boys both got haircuts this weekend. I like Hubby's short short. But I like Squirts longer on top.

A coworker of mine wants me to do maternity pictures for her, but she had some others done by a member of her church that were gorgeous and so now I'm not feeling very confident. I worry that mine won't be as good as the other ones. I'm always second guessing myself. It's why I don't usually have any follow thru on dreams/goals/etc...

We had a scheduled black-out at work today. Joy. A prison, in the warmth of Oklahoma, with no circulating air. That place has the potential to be RIPE.

OK. That's all for now.

I need to go locate my wit and humor.

My Left Foot

Saturday, February 26, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 5:54 PM
No, not the movie.

First, let me say HOLY CRAP! My last post has received 82 page views so far! I submitted it to the weekly simple things photo challenge over at simple as that, and Rebecca chose it and 2 others to feature for the simple things roundup! Yay me!

Any way. On with the story.

I work in the business office of a prison. This means that I must pass through a metal detector, and my bags are run through an x-ray machine everyday. What this also means is that I must undress a bit and take as much metal off of my body as possible so that I don't set off the metal detector. Nice in theory, but it just doesn't work that way. My bra sets the stupid thing off every time, and I sure as hell am not coming in without a bra on just so the metal detector doesn't beep at me. No one wants to see that. Trust me.

For the most part, the undressing and setting off the metal detector only to be "wanded" doesn't really bother me. The part that bothers me is having to remove my shoes. Most people don't know this but women's dress shoes, the kind with even just 1 inch of heel, have a metal "shank" running through the sole to help keep the shape of the shoe. OK, fine. So maybe you did know that, but I didn't until I started working at the prison.

Again! Onward! A couple of girls at work have started wearing these black, slip-on tennis shoe like things. They kinda fit snug like wrestling shoes and they go through the metal detector without setting it off. You see where I am going with this, right? The search was on for me to find a pair of these shoes. I hit the jack pot at Payless. I called the one closest to work and asked them to hold a pair in my size, and then I raced over there right after work.

I tried one on and it was just a tad too snug around my toes so I grabbed a wide width and the next 1/2 size up. The wide width felt best so I bought it and went home, excited to get to wear my new "metal detector proof" shoes the next day. So the next morning comes, and I am preparing to leave for work (at 5:15 A.M. mind) and notice that my shoes feel a little funny. And really, it's not that they feel bad, just different. As in, different from each other!!! I sat down and yanked them off to look at the tags inside each shoe. And what do you think I saw???

Yup. The right one (which is the only one I tried on in the store. I know I'm stupid) is an 8W. The left one is an 8. Regular. A normal person would have put them back in the box to exchange after work. Not me. I wore those shoes that I had lusted after for so long. And really it wasn't so bad. The left shoe is only slightly tighter than the right and I don't notice it unless I'm actively thinking about it. So I have come to two conclusions... 1. Always try on both shoes at the store. That or look at the tags in each and make sure they match.  2. My left foot is the only skinny thing on my body at this point. I'm getting there, but that's a story for another day.


Sunday, February 20, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 11:00 AM
I do most of the laundry on the weekend; Sunday to be exact.

On Friday evening, when I was on my way to make my final check on Squirt before turning in, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that confused me at first.

There was a pile of clothes next to mine and hubby's hamper. Upon further inspection I realized that it was a pile of Squirt's clothes.

Apparently, knowing that it was the beginning of the weekend, the little man brought all of his dirty laundry into our room and deposited it where he knew I would then separate it for the wash.

Such a simple thing that made me smile.

You can join Rebecca and the rest of the simple things here.

Sleeping Cutie

Sunday, February 13, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 3:30 PM
I usually check on the little man a couple of times a night, especially this past week because he's been a little wheezy. I never know what I will walk in to his room and see. He is arms and legs sprawled everywhere and I usually get a little giggle a couple of times a week at whatever odd position he has chosen. This past week was no different. He had piled all of the stuffed animals into the corner of the bed (he sleeps with a zoo!) and put his pillow on top. Apparently he was deep in thought when he finally fell asleep, for this is what I found.

 This is my simple thing that made me smile this week. You can check out the rest of them here.

Snow Much Fun!

Sunday, February 6, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 9:34 AM
I've decided to join Sam in this weeks Simple Things photo challenge. It is a weekly challenge hosted at Simple as That, a blog I've been following for about a month now. The blogger, Rebecca, is a photographer by trade. I am hoping that by aiming to contribute to the challenge every week, I will be forced to pick up the camera more often. I think it's been sitting on my desk for at least 3 weeks. So here is my contribution this week. Little man playing in the snow, and an image of how something as simple as throwing a snow ball at mama made him so happy.


Friday, February 4, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 7:21 PM
OK, so I've been playing around with some editing and some actions that I downloaded for my editing software, and now I want to know which version everyone prefers. The first one is SOOC (straight out of camera) without any editing applied.


The second one I completely edited by hand, just eyeballing my levels.


The third is a combination of me fixing the levels manually and then applying a downloaded edit. Only very slightly different from the one above.


And the last one is just the downloaded editing action applied.


I know which one I like the best but I'd like some feedback from all of you. So just leave a comment below letting me know which one is your choice and if you don't have a blogger account then leave your name so I know who is who. Thanks!!!

If it weren't for bad luck

Thursday, February 3, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 8:01 AM
Apparently I have been a very bad person lately because Karma has been chasing my ass down.

As you all know I was involved in a hit and run accident almost 3 weeks ago. After trying to get somewhere with the other insurance company I finally decided to take some time off of work to go get (and pay for) a copy of the accident report to fax to them. It took another 4 days after I faxed it, but last Friday Geico finally called and scheduled me to take the Explorer into the shop and pick up a rental. All of this was accomplished on Saturday.

On Tuesday a blizzard that hit the entire mid-west rolled through. I don't like winter weather. I hate driving in snow and ice, so yesterday I had Hubby take me to work. He has a 4-wheel drive truck and didn't have any problems. When he picked me up from work he had me convinced that I would be able to make the 26 mile drive to work in the morning with the rental car (a 2011 Malibu). The main streets had been plowed pretty good and most of the highways were pretty clean.

At 5:15 this morning I loaded my gear in the car and headed down the driveway... And stayed there. Seems I was stuck in all the snow that had piled up at the bottom of the driveway from the snow plows. I punched on the hazard lights and raced back in the house to wake Hubby. He quickly dressed and we went into the garage for gloves and a shovel. As we reached the garage door to start digging, we heard what I thought was a car door slamming shut. Of course not. See the title of this post? "If it weren't for bad luck"?

That's right, someone hit the rental car. And not where you would have expected it either. You would have expected someone to have hit the back side, seeing as that was the portion sticking out in the street. You would have thought that a person would see the hazard lights on and go around behind the car where the street was clear. I wasn't blocking the road, 20 other vehicles managed to get around me. No, this guy hits the car right in the front right wheel area. There is damage to the front fender, and up under neath, and from where I am currently sitting it looks like that front wheel is cocked to the side, like this / . Yes, the top of the wheel is leaning IN to the car. I'm surprised Hubby managed to get it back in the driveway after it was dug out.

So I have now started claims with my insurance and his insurance and called Enterprise to let them know. I guess the way this goes is that Enterprise claims the damage on my insurance and then my insurance claims and gets reimbursed by his insurance. This whole thing sucks. FML. So again, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

I'm a little snowman.

Monday, January 24, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 5:32 PM
Two weeks ago Little Man's Kindergarten class hosted Warrior Wake Up. Their theme was "snowmen" and Mrs. McK wanted everyone to dress like a snow man. I went to Michael's on Sunday and found a white t-shirt (adult small) and some big black buttons and sewed them on. The t-shirt was short sleeved so we put it on over a nicer long sleeved shirt with some black and silver designs on it. Then we wrapped one of my scarves around his neck, popped his stocking hat on his head, and painted his nose orange (you know, cuz it's supposed to be a carrot).

The kids were all so cute! Each one had a speaking part too. This was my little man's bit. "Halito! My name is Squirt. Our school quote is.... No bees, no honey. No work, no money." Halito is Choctaw for "Hello".

After everyone did their individual bits, they sang a little song to the rest of the school. Sing it to yourself to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot".

I'm a little snowman, short and fat.
Here are my buttons, here is my hat.
When the sun comes out I can not stay.
Slowly I just melt away.

When they finished and the gym cleared out, they all posed for a group picture for all the Moms and Dads. I think after a while they got tired of standing there with a smile plastered on their faces.

This is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Back in the classroom, Mrs. McK took a video of them singing their song and submitted it to one of the local news stations. They are supposed to show it during the morning weather report the first week of February!


Sunday, January 23, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 9:42 AM
We were all sitting around in the training building between sessions. A few people from my table were chatting with a couple of ladies sitting at the table in front of us.

I can't even remember what the actual conversation was about, I wasn't really paying that much attention. Someone said something about a business in Midwest City. I piped up "Yeah, that's over by blah, blah, blah.." (I still don't remember)

This caught Potreen's attention and she asked me where I was from. I told her I lived in Choctaw, but graduated from Midwest City. Michelle immediately started asking if I knew this person or this person or anyone with this last name.

Back story

My time as a MWC Bomber was not what I would call memorable. I started there my Junior year, after moving back to the States from Turkey. This was my third new beginning in four years. I was nervous and scared about starting over in a new school. The girl assigned to show me around on my first day quickly walked me through the halls and to my first class. She wasn't much for making conversation with me, and then she was gone. I never saw her again. It quickly became obvious that I wasn't going to be able to break my way into any one's group of friends. They had all been established since second grade. I spent the first 4 days lunch period by myself, reading on the front steps. I hadn't made any friends yet and I refused to go into the cafeteria alone. Once I did make a couple of friends, that was all I got. These kids were also military brats and knew what it felt like to have to start over. I never knew most of my classmates, and to this day I don't want anything to do with any of them.

So while Michelle was throwing her names at me and I was gathering myself to explain that I didn't have many friends in school and didn't remember names of anyone else, Potreen interrupted (in her most obnoxiously loud voice) "What she's tryin' to say is do you know any black people?"


Complete silence.

"Wow. Really??? Just Wow." I was dumbfounded

"I guess that's a no." she says, and turns back to everyone else, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I thought we were just talking about people. I didn't realize we had sub-categories." I glared at her and finished my explanation to Michelle.

This all happened 3 days ago and it still pisses me off. How did a conversation about who I went to school with turn into a black and white issue? And just where the hell does she get off judging me? I feel like she was implying that I was racist and that really hurt me.

I don't have any problems with anyone unless they have personally done something to deserve it. Religion, race and sexual orientation have nothing to do with my opinions of people.

 I do however have issues with narrow minded, judgemental, bitchy people.

Just sayin'.

Hit and Run

Sunday, January 16, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 7:47 AM
It was Friday and I didn't feel good. I had been fighting a cold all week and decided to go in to work long enough to key time cards and cash some checks for my drawer and then go home. But you all know Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

My first indication that this was not going to be a stellar day should have been the inmate release papers that I found shoved under my office door. I thought to myself that surely the release was for next week or even next month, but no. The date staring me in the face was 1/14/11. And what's even better is that this particular inmate was an illegal being picked up by Immigration for deportation, which meant there was no scheduled time of release and there was NO telling what time I.C.E would actually show up for him. Great. And I had to wait for him to go so that he could sign my paperwork so that I could then process a reimbursement before I left. Yay.

So I processed the funds release, wrote and keyed time cards, and processed my system releases in record time. Around 9:30 I decided to run to the bank and cash the checks when my boss called me in to his office. By the time he finished explaining the working papers he wanted me to do to prepare for Program Review (5 months away) it was 10, and Receiving and Discharge was calling me to say that Immigration was coming through the door. I still had not made it to the bank.

I ran over to R&D and gave the Immigration Officer the money for the inmate, whipped out a reimbursement voucher to send to Treasury and was on my way to the bank by 10:15. I was next in line at the bank, waiting for my turn with a teller when one of the bank employees called to me from behind the customer service desk. "I can help you over here," she yelled. I looked at her and thought to myself "I doubt it, but let's see," I walked over to her, handed her the checks and said "I need these cashed and this is how I need it broken down." She looked the checks over and said "Well I can do the bills but I don't have any coin. We'll have to.."

"No, I need it broken down exactly like this," I interrupted. She then proceeded to hand the checks back to me and said "You'll probably need to see one of these two tellers over here" indicating the row of cashiers that I was ALREADY in line to see in the first place. I thought to myself  "no way in hell am I going to the back of that damn line" and so I stood directly in front of the windows just waiting for one to open up. When one became free I began to step forward at the same time another woman from the original line did. She proceeded to give me the stink eye and said "The line is back there," pointing at it. At this point I must admit that I completely lost my cool.

"YEAH? I was already IN THAT LINE and SHE called me over and can't even help me! It's MY turn!" I yelled at the lady. The entire bank froze and stared at me while the she mumbled "I didn't know," and returned to the front of the line. I didn't care at all that I had just made a HUGE scene, I just wanted to finish so I could go home. I handed the teller my checks and listened to her try to berate me for my outburst. "She didn't know. We pull customers from the line. She didn't know." she said to me with disdain barely hidden in her voice. I just glared at her and thought "Shut your trap and cash my effing checks, Barbie,". She counted out my money and I was finally on my way.

After I took the money back to work and locked it in my safe I was finally free. I had big plans that included PJ's, a box of Kleenex, my Kindle and maybe some NyQuil. I was about 5 miles away from work when it happened. I was driving on the interstate in the far left hand lane. To my right and about 1/2 a car length ahead of me was another car, green I think. A woman in a full size Chevy pickup came barrelling up behind the green car, right up on her ass, and I knew what was coming next. She wanted my spot and didn't care that I was already there. She even looked in her rear view mirror and made eye contact with me! As she started to come over I lay on the horn. It didn't matter, she just kept coming. So I grabbed tight to the wheel and jumped on my brakes, just trying to stay off the retaining wall as she hit my right front fender.

My ability to keep control of my own vehicle caused her to fishtail and then scrape down the wall on the left. I'm not sure if she bounced off the wall or over corrected (my guess is the second) but suddenly she was turned back out into traffic, sideways, where she then t-boned a Chevy S-10. He went spinning while she bounced off of him (I don't think she slowed down at all) and then he came to a stop in the middle of the interstate. I looked past the S-10 to see her continue, balls to the wall, down the interstate in a trail of smoke.

I cried and cried and cried. I wasn't hurt, just upset. The guy in the S-10 was hurt though. She nailed him squarely in the drivers door and pretty much turned the S-10 into an arc. The appropriate authorities and an ambulance came. I called hubby and asked him to come even though the truck was still drivable. I just needed him to be there for me, and so he was. Just his presence made me feel a little better, like I wasn't all alone in this. And then the Highway Patrol officer returned with even better news.

They got her.

Someone that was driving behind us and saw the accident followed her and called the police. She had stopped a couple of miles up the interstate at the Wal-Mart. I fully believe that she was going to ditch the truck in a busy parking lot and call someone to come and pick her up. Turns out the truck belonged to her daughter and it was insured. Oh Thank God!

Highway Patrol finished with us and sent us on our way. Hubby and I had a quick lunch and he headed back to work. Finally I was on my way home. Once I got there, curiosity got the best of me. So I grabbed the printout from HP, sat in front of the computer and went to OSCN (Oklahoma Supreme Court Network). I typed in the drivers name...and was instantly rewarded with search returns.

This woman has 5 aliases in addition to the name on her license and has been convicted and served time for the following...

1. Leaving the scene of an accident with injury
2. Driving while under the influence
3. Operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner
4. Possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2x)
5. Possession of drug paraphernalia
6. Larceny of merchandise from a retailer
7. Possession of a cocaine base
8. Possession of drug paraphernalia (different case)

And she had been charged with Possession W/ Intent to Distribute, but those charges were dropped.

So now I'm just waiting for the insurance company to call me back so I can get my truck fixed. How was your day?

Fat girls in glasses.

Friday, January 7, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 1:10 PM
Last Friday we (hubby, squirt and I) took a trip to Target to get the little man a new lunch box. The problem with this is that a simple trip for a lunch box turned into a $75 mini shopping spree, with every one of us acquiring a couple of new items each. My favorite purchase for myself was one of those military style cadet caps. A little like this one...

When I first put it on in the store, it was only as a half assed joke; any time we are near the hats I will try a few on just for giggles. But hubby thinks I look good in hats and this one was no exception. I checked myself out in the mirror and was rather pleased myself. So in the cart it went. I decided that this would be my "it's the weekend and I'm not doing my hair so I'll just wear a hat" hat and I wore it for the rest of the day.

Saturday morning was time to go grocery shopping. So I donned my little hat (on top of wet hair) and wandered off to Crest. All is well until I reach the meat counter. Standing in front was a fairly large, round woman in glasses and the same style hat as mine, but hers was multi-colored plaid and so I didn't really think too much about it. However, the remainder of my shopping trip brought me in close proximity to three more large, round women wearing glasses and hats just like mine, color and all!!! And we kept passing each other on the aisles as we shopped, staring each other down. They were probably telling themselves the same thing I was muttering to myself; I look so much better in this hat than you do, bitch! I ROCK this hat!

After several days of contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that this hat speaks the language of fat girls in glasses, as obviously we are the only ones to hear it's call to be bought and worn. Mine has been hanging from the back of my dining room chair since Saturday. That may be its final resting place.

Out of the Mouths of Babes.

Monday, January 3, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 4:03 PM
My son loves the show Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. He finds the man hilarious and is well aware that he also does commercials for Ford and Lee Jeans. Anytime one of these commercials comes on I hear "Mommy! It's Mike Rowe!". Now just keep the Lee Jeans commercial in mind while I tell my tale.

So for Christmas my little man received a pair of Lee Jeans as a gift. Attached to the leg was a sticker that read "Official Jeans of Mike Rowe" and had a copy of his signature. When L opened them, hubby said "Hey! Those are the same jeans as Mike Rowe!" knowing that L would think himself pretty special. I pointed to the sticker with the signature on it and asked L if he knew what it said, as he's starting to learn to read. He came real close to me and took a good long look. Then he leaned over and whispered in my ear...  "They make my butt look good."


Sunday, January 2, 2011 - Posted by -Kel at 11:11 AM
I told myself when I started using Facebook that my friend list would be comprised of just that, my actual friends. So I set up my account so that my comments, posts, pictures, etc. could only be viewed by my friends. But the most restrictive setting for friend requests was "friend of a friend", meaning someone had to be on one of my friend's friend list or they couldn't request to be my friend (did I lose you there?).

And then I started making exceptions to my rule. Like TT. She is the younger sister of one of my friends and I've only met her once. But I liked her immediately on meeting her and if I had the opportunity to hang out with her again I certainly would. And then there is Miss N. She used to work with Dad and was looking for someone to take pictures of her gorgeous little boy and of course I jumped at the chance. But I really like her too. She is sweet and funny and a wonderful mommy and I hope she'll let me take pictures of her little man again in the future.

Sigh. And then there are the mistakes I've made in allowing access to my list. These 2 will be rectified (deleted and blocked) today. For the purpose of this post, we will call them 1 and 2.

I have actually known 1 for the last 13 years, and in all that time I don't think she has ever liked me. She is the wife of one of hubby's oldest friends and when I first met her (before hubby and I were dating) I thought she was just really shy. Nope, turns out she's just rude. And apparently nosey. 1 has never made it a secret that she doesn't care for me, so when she started sending friend requests I was confused. "But we aren't friends!" I would say to myself. So I took a look at her friend list. Turns out she was also friends with one of my ex-boyfriends ex-girlfriends that she went to school with and hated vehemently. In addition to that one, my sister in law and one of hubby's cousins were also on her friend list; two women she had never had any real personal interaction with at all. So after months of ignoring and deleting her repeated requests I finally caved and let her in. "It's her own fault if she sees something she doesn't like" I told myself. But let's face it. I'm nosey too.

2 I have kind of known (or maybe known of) for around 12 years. And hubby will be the first one to tell you that I am a complete idiot for allowing her on my friend list because she is hubby's ex-girlfriend (we hung out as couples when I was dating the ex-boyfriend mentioned above). She was apparently working with one of my besties M and was on M's friend list. But she knew how to disarm me right away with her friend request. She said she was interested in seeing my photography. And that did it. With a smile I said "OK!" and clicked on the accept button. And nothing untoward happened until a little over a week ago. 2 made some accusatory comments on Facebook about my friend. Without going into the details, let me just say that I have a different opinion of what 2's expectations should have been and I am LOYAL to my FRIENDS. And then this morning I log in to Facebook to discover a link to her blog, in which she has basically copied one of my own blog posts (here) and is using it as a disclaimer on her own. REALLY!?!?! Are you SO unimaginative that you can't come up with something all your own??? You have to use MY words on your blog??? And you can't even get it right!!! "Your" is possessive (your blog), "you're" is a contraction and is short for "you are"! It's not that hard!!! In short, what I am saying is that you're (not your) really pissing me off this morning!!!

Deep breath. But no more. They are officially done. I have deleted 1 and 2 and have also blocked them from friend requesting me again. Because after all, I have standards.